CodeGem For Engineers

Get better guidance & reclaim your time.

No More Awkward 1:1s

CodeGem is where productive and growth-oriented conversations happen. Eliminate prep time and set up your 1:1 in seconds with proven templates.

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Control Your Privacy

Feel confident bringing up sensitive topics with full control over the privacy of your CodeGem check-ins and feedback submissions.

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Get Credit For Your Amazing Work

With private Sessions available alongside your software data and feedback, your next performance review can start with "Here's why I'm awesome."

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😬 No More Awkward 1:1's

CodeGem is where productive and growth-oriented conversations happen. Eliminate prep time and set up your 1:1 in seconds with proven templates.


👂 Be Heard

Effortlessly exchange in-the-moment feedback, notes, check-ins and kudos without ever leaving your workflow.


🚀 Get Credit for Your Work

Eliminate status updates with automated analytics built to align & support your growth - and finally get recognition for code review.


👀 We Are Not a Surveillance Tool

One more time? We are not a surveillance tool.
Every metric, KPI, and recommendation made to your manager is made with you in mind.


🔮 Control Your Privacy

You are in control of who can see your check-ins and feedback CodeGem contributions. You can feel confident bringing up sensitive topics,


😬 Probably Not Your Boss

With private Sessions available alongside your software data and feedback, your next performance review can start with "Here's why I'm awesome."

🤓 Tell your manager we sent you.