🌱 Engineering Managers

Be the Ultimate Manager

CodeGem has all the tools you need to lead an engaged and productive engineering team.

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Keep Your Team Connected

Accelerate your team while boosting culture and quality

We believe a high-performing engineering team produces higher-quality software, faster. In alignment with the SPACE framework CodeGem focuses on optimization across five key factors:

We give you the tools you need to optimize your team; saving time, improving visibility, and automating manual processes.

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Run Productive & Engaging Meetings

Discuss what matters to your team with agendas that focus on helping you build trust, set goals, and become (or remain) an effective leader.

See how we do 1:1s →Book a Demo

Manage Remote Teams More Effectively

Promote a supportive, collaborative and accountable remote culture by managing your productivity insights right where you manage your meetings.

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Meet with CodeGem


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(It's like show-and-tell for adults.)