💻 Developers & Engineers

No More Awkward 1:1s

CodeGem is where productive and growth-oriented conversations happen. Eliminate prep time and set up your 1:1 in seconds with proven templates.

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👀 Share sensitive feedback with confidence

We get it - not every feedback needs to be shared with everyone. With CodeGem, you're in complete control of who sees your checkins & feedback, and you can give anonymous feedback too, you know, for those situations.

🍰 We are where you are

You spend most of your time in Slack, Chrome & Github. That's where we live too. With our App for Slack and Chrome Extension, giving feedback and submitting checkins is easier and quicker than ever.

✅ Get Credit For Your Amazing Work

With previous 1:1s available alongside your checkins and feedback, your next performance review can start with "Here's why I'm awesome."

Meet with CodeGem


Sound good? Book a demo.

(It's like show-and-tell for adults.)